Friday, September 21, 2007

How do you dress for success?

When I first started marketing on the Internet, the Dotcom boom was in full swing, and everyone was wanting to jump on the bandwagon. Marketers promoted their affiliate programs by telling newcomers things like: "It's simple to make a living from your kitchen table." and (my favorite) "Work from home in your pajamas!" This morning, as I got dressed for my day, I was reflecting upon this. Now, I, personally, never bought into the working in my pajamas thing, mainly because it was ingrained in me that you got up in the morning and got dressed, but I do have a routine that some may or may not follow. I actually get dressed just like I am going to a "real job" every morning. I won't bore you with the details, so just suffice it to say that I have imposed a dress code on myself. Since I have no face-to-face contact with the public, so to speak, it is a business casual environment, and I allow myself to wear shorts and a T-shirt on Fridays. But I still shower, put on make-up and do up my hair, because it makes me feel like a professional.

So how do you dress for success? Do you really work from your home in your PJ's? Or do you, like me, make the effort to dress for the occasion?


Shanon Sandquist said...
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