Friday, August 24, 2007

You can help eradicate Alzheimer's Disease

In just a few short weeks, all over the country, people from all walks of life will be getting together to walk in the 2007 Alzheimer's Memory Walk, designed to help raise funds for research to find a cure for Alzheimer's disease. In North Texas alone, there are over 45,000 individuals that are suffering with Alzheimer's, and I for one have decided to help. I signed up for my local chapter's Memory Walk scheduled for November 3, 2007. Although I have some difficulty walking myself, I feel it is my duty to help those that cannot help themselves, so I will be taking three mile journey along with hundreds of others to help this worthy cause.

The Memory Walk has taken place every year since 1989, and over $225 million has been raised to help in the fight against Alzheimer's disease. There are many ways to help this year's event be as successful as those in previous years. You can sign up to walk yourself, sponsor a walker, or you can start your own walking team as a Team Captain. It's simple to do and takes only a few minutes of your time. You can even make it a family project, or get your whole company involved. The possibilities are endless.

It was so simple to sign up as a walker. I only had to go to the Memory Walk homepage and enter my zip code. Since I live in the Greater Dallas area, I had four choices, and I chose the closest one to my home. I filled out a quick form, made a donation of my own, and I was all set up. I got all the tools I needed to help me with fundraising, too, including a really nice website.

So won't you help us help wipe out Alzheimer's disease in our lifetime? The millions of sufferers will appreciate it and you will get a nice warm fuzzy feeling from it, too. It will only take you a few minutes to get started.

Thank you to my Sponsor Alzheimer's Memory Walk

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